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Wildcat Community

Student Support

Student Support Services was created to help students meet the academic challenges of an academically accelerated, college preparatory school. Student Support Services is responsible for directing and facilitating the School’s efforts to ensure that every student understands his or her individual learning strengths, affinities and challenges, helping them maximize his or her learning potential. Student Support Services has been designed to assist students at all grade levels with diagnosed learning disabilities, short-term individual learning needs, additional study skills, and help in specific academic areas. Fees may apply based on the services provided.

Parent Resources

Study Skills Curriculum

We aim to prepare students for their academic endeavors through intentional and explicit instruction of study skills. Fourth and fifth graders have two hours each week of Structured Study Hall. During this time, students have dedicated lessons on how to maximize efficiency in organization, time management, reading strategies, note-taking, and test preparation. Teachers ensure that students have ample support and opportunity to apply their newly acquired study skills in everyday activities. In 6th grade, study skills lessons are taught through advisory groups during the first semester. Students explore executive functioning skills, goal setting, test and exam preparation, and effective note taking and frequent checks of their daily planners ensure that they are keeping up with daily and long-term assignments.

Scientific Reading Instruction

Research is clear that early literacy instruction must involve explicit, systematic instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Our Prek4-5th grade teachers are trained through the Institute For Multi-Sensory Education. The IMSE approach is based off of the Orton-Gillingham Methodology and focuses on direction instruction that is sequential, structured, and multi-sensory.


Catherine Radtke

Associate Head of Lower School
Director of Student Support Services
Contact Catherine

Learning Ally

All Episcopal students may have free access to audio versions of novels and textbooks through our school subscription to Learning Ally. Students can access the audiobooks on their laptops, Ipads, or iPhones. Contact Catherine Radtke if you are interested in an account.