* Required



Please select each area in which you would like to participate. If both parents are listed on this form, please indicate which parent is volunteering in each area by selecting "parent 1" or "parent 2" or "parent 1 and parent 2."

Wildcat Round-Up, Lower School Fall Festival - Assist in planning and implementing an early fall event full of fun and games for the kids.

Homecoming Tailgate – Assist in planning and coordinating a campus-wide tailgate before a varsity football game.

Christmas Program - Assist in planning and implementing the Christmas Program.

Episcopal Traditions - Assist in planning and implementing Episcopal events, such as Shrove Tuesday.

Book Fair - Assist in planning and implementing the Scholastic Book Fair in the spring.

Grandparents and Friends Day - Assist with the planning and coordination of activities on Grandparents and Friends Day.

Field Day - Assist in planning and implementing Field Day during the last week of school.

Teacher Appreciation - Assist in providing monthly treats for teachers and staff. You can help each month throughout the year, or just in the month(s) of your choosing.

Concession Stand 

Friends of the Arts 

Used Uniforms - Help collect, prepare and sell used uniforms during registration and at other times during the year.

Episcopal UpCyclers – Parents interested in crafting create or repurpose item for use in the classroom.

Spirit Buttons - Assist in making spirit buttons for our parents of our athletes and Wildcat fans. Help process online orders and deliver buttons.

Athletic Hospitality - Assist in coordinating food and supplies needed for the coaches hospitality room during athletic tournaments hosted at Episcopal Collegiate.

Watermelon Supper - Help with the athletic kickoff event of the fall. Serving food, as well as setting up and cleaning up for the event are greatly appreciated.