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Wildcat Community

Wildcat Community

Events Calendar


Summer at the E

New Family Info

We are so excited that your family will be joining our community. This page is just for you and has helpful information and useful links to forms that you will need to complete.

We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary Jane Briggs in the Lower School Admissions office at 501.978.4404, ext. 2306 or Mahlon Martin in the Middle and Upper School Admissions office at 501.372.1194, ext. 2672. 

New Family Brochure

We are incredibly excited to welcome you into the Episcopal Collegiate Community! Please find our New Family e-Brochure linked below for your review. It is our hope that this will act as a valuable resource as you begin to familiarize yourself with our campus and plan for the upcoming school year. Embedded in the brochure are several links to relevant school resources and points of contact. You will receive a summer mailing in July with additional information from your student(s) Division Head.

Please reach out to your Division Head or the Admissions Team with any additional questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you in August!