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Wildcat Community

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Summer at the E


Support of the Episcopal Collegiate Annual Fund ensures that every Wildcat has a distinctive experience during their time here. This yearly need funds the ongoing investments in facilities, faculty, and programs that set the Episcopal experience apart.

Each year, the Annual Fund supports the School's operating budget, as the actual cost of educating one student is around $6,195 more than the average cost of tuition. That gap is funded by the School's generous endowment and the Annual Fund.

A gift to the Annual Fund impacts every aspect of student life from the hallways to the locker bays and from the classrooms to the court. By supporting the Annual Fund, you make a significant difference in the lives of all 809 of our students.

23-24 Annual Fund Chairs

CeCe & Howard Martindale

Annual Fund Giving Categories

Greatest Need
Diversity & Inclusion
Spirituality / Community Service
Tuition Assistance
Faculty Professional Development
Technology & Innovation

The E | Fall/Winter 2023-2024

We invite you to immerse yourself in “The E” our new bi-annual magazine that we hope will capture community highlights and share the exciting news of our students, faculty, and alumni. This fall edition also includes our 2022-2023 Annual Report. We are grateful for the generous contributions of our trustees, current and former parents, alumni, community leaders and foundations, and other friends of the School. The commitment of so many ensures that Episcopal Collegiate is a vibrant and growing community.